"Never, ever forget that you have been chosen for this very special journey. It matters not what the challenges may be; what matters is that you open your heart to this child. For as difficult as things may get, you will discover that this soul, wrapped in the precious little package, has much to give and volumes to teach you about yourself—if you are only willing to learn... God makes no mistakes."-Trena Tremblay
Family Updates
Harpers Bazaar Summer © by the Luxury Voids
Queen's Day @Apollolaan
Alessandra Ambrosio @ 2013 VSFS After Party, Nov 13
Sevres Porcelain
Look at the Day 6
the other side
AFW 12/13 — Nieuw Jurk
Miroslava Duma @ New York Fashion Week Fall'13
Monday, May 29, 2017