Family Updates

Scared to cough

The rest of the night went okay. He was eventually able to get some ice chips and then sipped on 60 mls of ice water. He got a little bit of sleep and has managed pain very well.
So far this morning we have removed all of his medicine drips, his Arterial Line, Central Line, and his Foley Catheter (now he's in regular undies again, instead of the "hospital pants" ie: diaper). He's still on supplemental oxygen via nasal cannula.

However, our biggest hurdle right now is getting him to remove the junky crap in his lungs. Right lobe is currently the worst as shown from his AM chest xray. But, he's scared to cough, I'm sure it hurts (even keeping pain to a minimum), he doesn't like the sensation and attempts to keep it in. Sooo, Respiratory Therapy tried an IPPB, it didn't go well. He held his breath, started thrashing his legs, and de-satted. Scared the RT enough to not try again. So far he has recovered nicely and is back to sleep. At this point, I'm not sure if/when an RT will give the IPPB another go. Biggest thing for Andrew and I is that we want clear lungs, we want coughs to actually be productive.

Start praying for pee. Now that the Foley is out, we don't want him getting to where he holds it, and/or kidneys slowing down and then solely relying on the Lasix (diuretic) to do the job.

We are getting ready to move rooms in the PICU, so more critically ill kiddos can be closer to the nurses station. We will not be moving to the floor today. Later this afternoon/early evening we will try to get him out of bed for the first time and sitting up in a chair. It's safe to say that we've had a full day and it's only Noon. Keep sending the prayers up, please & thank you!

Love, Kathleen

  1. > Beach Love
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  3. > The Red Sweater
  4. > Saturday mini rambles...
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