Family Updates

Slow but steady

After our little fit that happened with the Respiratory Therapist, we decided to not make it much more of an eventful day... therefore, we didn't make him get out of bed today. He has had some more water, a little Sprite, and a little apple juice. Still need a little more pee, but he's continuing to make good progress in that department. He's had three little rings of Spaghettio's and ten little pieces of Cheerio's. Not much to eat, just slow and steady.
We're beginning to wean the morphine and introduce oxycodone & ibuprofen for pain. Trying to cough more and trying to keep his throat clear by making him "hack it out." We blew some bubbles, but it wasn't fun. I don't want to say that I'm getting worried about the fluid around/in his lungs, but I am.

Please pray for his chest to start clearing up.

If I'm able overnight, I'll try to do another night update like last night.

Love, Kathleen

  1. > Lunch & Laundry
  2. > IV free for 9 hrs
  3. > Caught just in time
  4. > He ate :)
  5. > Improvement, little by little