This is what our summer looks like. Fynn running into the water, Paige digging with a shovel, staying near to me. Toys strewn across the sand, canvas bags filled with snacks and sunscreen and beach towels.
Paige has been clinging tightly to me the past few days. Today she wouldn't step foot in the ocean, but that is Fynn's favorite place to be... and I need to stay near to him... so clung to me like a starfish. All legs and arms, so tight. She smothered me with kisses, and I could smell her hair, salt air and Burt' Bees shampoo. Fynn danced by making music with the waves, grinning from ear to ear.
Yeah, the water is cold but I've been in
Baby, lose the laundry and jump on in
I mean all God's children got skin
And it's summer again
~Lyrics from James Taylor's "Summer's Here"