I'm having a week where the days blend together and I can't tell if it's Wednesday or Thursday because they're all kind of feeling the same.
I don't know why. It's not a bad week, it's just a long week. Today is sweet because the sun is back out, yesterday it rained and rained and rained. We went out and jumped in puddles and Fynn made mention of "The Noah story" and how it rained for so very long. It kind of felt like that.
Earlier in the week we were outside {the novelty of having our own space to run around has yet to wear off... and I'm trying to get them outside rain or shine every day... }, the kids wearing new rain boots, and splashed in a few puddles and blew bubbles. Nothing says spring like bubbles. And the halo of afternoon sunshine.
We'll be out there again today...

** and for some excitement... I'll be opening the etsy shop at some point this weekend :) It'll take some time to list all the items... but by Monday it'll be up and running! Can't wait to share it with you all!