Friday the windows were open and the breezes were warm and the curtains danced.

Last night I went out to look at the moon, and I could see a halo of light through clouds. And snow.
This morning I was hoping around from site to site and found the below proverb... lovely {if you can read my writing... }
Sometimes I find myself saying "kind words, kind words, kind words" over and over again to remind myself to be kind. To my kids, to my husband. I don't know why sometimes it's so hard to be nice to each other. It doesn't take much of an effort... but ultimately it makes a huge difference. I want this line plastered on the walls, "... kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Prov 16:24

{and apparently I'm now spelling 'body' as 'boday'... oy... }
And it's Sunday... and the sun is shining. It's cold, but spring comes tonight, as promised.