We made it.
We're here.
We are home.

Yesterday was crazy. No... it was a little horrendous... I'm not going to sugar coat the facts. It started snowing earlier than anticipated, it took an hour to drive the 20 minutes from old to new home, the Uhaul barely made it up the incline of our new driveway {things you never want to hear your husband say from a big moving truck "I'm Sliding!!!!!!" - I wish I were kidding... it took at least 30 minutes to salt, shovel, dig out, etc... } the kids were {and still are} dealing with the stomach bug, we couldn't get the boxspring upstairs to our bedroom, it kept snowing, we all took tumbles, the Uhaul got stuck at the bottom of the driveway and in the street on our way to drop it off... .

I might sound whiny and ungrateful. But I really don't think I could move past this experience without owning how awful it was at times. How heartbreaking it was to take a breather and have Fynn come up and say that he really liked our OLD apartment...

But I say all those things with a truly grateful heart. I am so thankful that the move is over. I am sorry it was the move that will go down in our history book as the craziest move ever. I am thankful for the warm house that is really and truly perfect for us. I am thankful that my mother was here to help us, and she is always willing to clean up whatever my kids spill or spew...

I am thankful to be home.

I stayed up late last night unpacking and organizing the kitchen. Learning the sounds, the creeks of floors and moans and groans of the old house. There are small details here that we will be finding for months. It is beautiful and quaint and us and our kids and it is home.

And my books? They're finally out of boxes and in a built in bookshelf that kids cannot knock over... .
Yes, I am thankful.
And ready for a massage :)