I'm working on a first birthday party at the moment for a lovely little lady in DC. Her mommy wanted a spring theme that was colorful but natural and a little woodsy. All kinds of things came to mind- but for tonight I was stuck on the OWLS. I love the owls I see popping up everywhere and thought it would be the cutest theme to grow on.... these cute finds go so well together without being too matchy, and there are lots of fun colors to play with.
* Tree Owl Collage Painting perfect to display after the party in her room.
* This Pinch Me Cute Owl Beanie Cap at Amy K's Etsy Shop.
* Little Pitterpat on Etsy has this Darling Owl Dress would be so cute with little mustard cardi and tights.
* Pink Paper Owl Invitations From Polka Dot Designs
* Simple Natural Owl Drink Stir Sticks
* Sweet Little Owl Cake