Family Updates

That's the Best Thing I Heard All Day

So today is for most of us- our first day back to our regular routines. Plans to "make it happen" are swirling in our heads and hopefully a sense of renewed energy and focus will help us- and stay with us along the way.

I bought this beautiful line a day book at Paper Source as my go to hostess gift of the season. The pages are actually pre- printed with days starting with January 1 20__. So with literally a fresh page I found this profound responsibility to make the first one good, motivating and actionable.

Over the weekend I saw the movie How Do You Know . I really wanted to see it because it was filmed in Washington, DC. Outside of making me a little homesick and dreaming of a house in Georgetown, I found a thread or two of good thought.

The two quotes that I took from the film are when Reese asks a therapist does he have ONE bit of advice, that would help anyone, at anytime, in any situation. And he responds confidently with "Know what you want and how to ask for it".

The second, comes from a true story that Paul Rudd's character shared with Reese Witherspoon's. He tells her that Play - Dough was originally an all white substance that was used to remove smoke from the walls of homes from fireplaces before modern day ventilation systems eliminated this need. He told his sister his product would be no longer needed and feared the loss of his company. His sister suggested to him that her children love playing with "the stuff" and suggested he color it and call it Play-Dough.

From there is the quote: " We are all just one small adjustment from making our lives work".

Both of these really resonated with me- so they earned slots one and two of the first days of my new year.

Sometimes adjustments are small, some times painful and sad, or things we don't want to do. But if you see the long term gain and let go of the short term sacrifice they will bring you to a better place and life.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program- here's to seeing it with new eyes.