Red Eyelet Yoga Mat Bag
Paper Snowflakes
Yummy Oatmeal
I have been in a bit of a fitness rut lately. I love to workout and find it essential to functioning and it truly balances everything else in my life. I am tired of my same workout and feeling a bit hamster on the wheel at the gym. Over the weekend I did some planning for February. I started thinking about what really inspired me after I had Jack to get in shape and be the best person, mom, self I could be.
I remember a minus 33 degree late January morning watching Oprah in 2007. She had Mariel Hemingway on as a guest discussing her (then) new book, Healthy Living from the Inside Out. I found her so inspiring- ( not to mention she looks like she's in her 30's in her 50's). I had a confirmation number from Amazon before the show was over.
Her philosophy, ideas, and diet and yoga centered life was really where it all started for me and got my mind in the right place and ultimately changed my life.
I have a VERY worn copy sitting in my kitchen. I revisited it and made a great list over the weekend for meals for the week. Some of my favorites are the Rishi Tea in Green Mint, the Oatmeal with Protein Powder and her healthy delicious smoothies.
This morning starts day one of a one month commitment I made with myself to make it to yoga everyday this month.
For more great inspiration check out the 28 day challenge at Whole Living.
It's not what you look like- It's what you see- Thoreau.