I wake up to a boy and a girl smiling saying "It's a brand new day!! Wake up Mommy!"

I make lists and I pack. I sip coffee. I go on errands with a little girl, we eat a cupcake and I sip tea. We drop a trunk load of things at the Salvation Army. I smile and comment on the sunny spot the receiving crew has for the day. They smile and say it's the best thing they've got going for them today.

I grocery shop. Check items off my list. I drive. I unstrap a carseat, let the girl fly inside to bring news of potato chips and cupcakes.
I pack and sort and pack some more. Garbage bags and boxes.

The sun calls, and the snow beckons. Husband and babies outside. I pick up my camera and follow. There's laughter and snowballs. And there's this overwhelming feeling of this is exactly what we're supposed to be doing. And I feel a warmth and a surge of trust and I smile at the blue sky and sunshine. And I know, even if I don't know how, that God is good.