Welcome to Bigger Picture Moments, a place where we step back and take in life. There are moments where we're so caught up in it all, the hectic mind boggling pace of the day. We encourage you to take this opportunity to take a moment and view the Bigger Picture. Whatever that means to you. A moment where you recognized the role your faith plays in your every day life. A moment where you take note of motherhood and the importance of what you are doing. A moment that made you stop and smell breathe in the bigness of it all. The hugeness that is life and the small moments adding up to one huge Bigger Picture.
We hope you'll join us. Take a few moments. Think about your week, and pour however little or much onto a page. Then share. Tell us your moment. Link up this week at Melissa's, grab our button, and share your Bigger Picture Moment. And while you're at it, share the love and check out at least one otherparticipant's moment.
Next week Maegan will be hosting Bigger Picture Moments. Keep an open mind and heart throughout the week and come back to participate again or for the first time! All are welcome!
I've been talking about it for a few years.
Thinking about it for even longer.
Envious when I read about someone getting it done.
I've wanted to do it, but just haven't.
Last night, my partner in crime, Susan, and I headed north to meet my brother.

Not for the tattoo place {which Toby told me was sketchy... } but the piercing place {which he said was fantastic} because my nose has been calling for a little decoration.
Here's Toby, my little brother, looking mortified to be with two women who were acting like girls taking pictures and giggling like teenagers {two mother's, I should remind you all... }

So we went upstairs. Passed the loud music and graffiti like walls of the tattoo parlor, and found this:

But we didn't let that stop us. We hunted down any and all piercing places in the area. Tried three different tattoo places that we thought might do piercings {and by we, I mean Toby and Susan, because I'm new to all this piercing places other than your ears stuff... before last night I hadn't even come within two inches of a tattoo parlor! Are they called parlors? I don't even know... } and all were closed. And by the time we headed south a bit, the four other places we stopped at were closed, or didn't do piercings.
So we spent about three hours in the car last night, me and Susan. Toby followed us around for a bit, but then called it a night.
Susan and I have known each other for about six years. We shared an office {and those of you who are on Facebook... ahem... she tagged me in some ridiculous photos that showed how important our jobs were!} Our babies are a week or so apart, and Tallin's kind of like a cousin to my kids. We see each other once a week or so, but Susan and I rarely get to talk without an interruption every few minutes.
Even though we didn't complete our mission last night, it was incredible to spend so much adult time. Though, I say adult, but really it was just us being silly and running around trying to get my nose pierced. Totally appropriate for two almost thirty year olds!
We regrouped this morning and made plans to meet after Susan got out of work. Lucas agreed to play with all three kids {amazing husband... } so that we could continue our adventure.
Paige waited patiently for her buddy to arrive:

And after a quick dinner Susan and I kissed our babies and headed out. This time just a few towns over.
Ironically to Salem, where Lucas went to college and lived for years. Where we had our first apartment together. Where we fell in love and all that fun stuff.

We walked in, and it seemed like a nice place. Friendly people, a guy ready to stick a needle in my nose and chat us up at the same time. My hands shook as I filled out paperwork, commenting that I'd been through childbirth twice without the aid of an epidural so I could surely handle getting my nose pierced
{though I failed to mention that one of the reasons I refused the epidural was because I hate needles. Hate. Can't even stand the sight of them. Get queasy when my blood gets taken. Hate needles}
I wish I could write about what it smelled like or add details to make it seem like you were there, but I was far too nervous to even think of anything except the needle and my nose. But it was quick. And not even remotely painful as I thought it would be. No blood. Just a cute little stud and instructions on how to care for it.
And we giggled and took pictures {that I look awful in... so I won't show you those... } and rushed home to see our little ones.
We had fun. Lots of fun. And the fun wasn't necessarily the piercing {even though it was pretty painless it still hurt, and stings at this very moment, but I'm told that's normal... } but the journey. The adventure and the company {thanks Toby and Susan!} and the laughing and being silly.
I'm liking taking the scenic road these days. On any and all journey that's applicable. And almost always, there's a scenic route. A detour waiting to happen. It's not such a bad thing.
{you all are probably tired of seeing my mug around these parts... but here's proof of the nose ring!}