So... I've got a bunch of photos. And I could make about four different posts out of them. But I'm feeling light on the words and heavy with the photos and want to share them all because I'm an impatient excited can't wait to share type... .
Last night Fynn needed some quiet time with mommy after Paige went to bed. He had a little nap on the way home from a beach day {visiting with Jo and her kids, who are so sweet and wonderful and we will miss them dearly when they move far, far away from us... } so he was wired. For a long time.
We listened to a little Jason Mraz and Fynn got the hang of working my ipod. We listened and bopped our heads and he even sang along. Sweetness.

At one point he actually leaned close to me as we were each listening to an ear bud off the same set {you all know what I mean... I'm tired... and can't explain things... } and put his arm around me. Of course there's no picture of that, but I an still feel his little hand on my shoulder and feel his breath as he sang "love love love... ."

And then this afternoon was an afternoon of impatience. On my part. The kids weren't listening, and Paige was insane. It took two tries and a lot of yelling to get her to actually take a nap. And by that point I was exhausted. And told Fynn he had to have quiet time while Paige slept. Like no talking. Or dumping cars out on the floor. And no talking {yes, mean mommy was really the one who needed quiet time... }
So eventually he just came and sat down next to me. Then his head met the couch and he said he needed a blanket. A few moments later I felt the tell tale sleeping movements. If someone is near, he pushes off that person with his feet in his sleep. It's kind of endearing...
And he's pretty cute when he sleeps.

Paige and I made brownies this afternoon. Out of a box. But organic... so it's ok...

She had to wear her headband while we stirred and mixed and cracked eggs. And then ate the batter... yes, we eat the batter in this house. Because it's oh so yummy!
{and as a total side note - people! Do you see how much hair Paige has now?!?!? It's almost enough for a tiny little clip! We've waited SO long for her hair to come in! And I'm laughing tonight, because I'm remembering meeting up with Maegan... her husband, who has daughters with full heads of hair, asked if we cut her hair this short :) I adore that story, it cracks me up every time I think about it! Maybe by her third birthday she'll have enough for pigtails! I should just look back at pictures... I didn't have much hair for a long time either... }

And obviously, waiting for anything to actually bake is the hardest part of the process...

Especially when you're almost two... {seriously... in a few weeks... ahhhhhh!!!}

And these are too cute not to share. The kids like flying... at least atop their mamas feet :)

At least my toe nails are painted...

And to end my rambling, go read Heather's post from today. It was good. And exactly what I needed to read, because I felt it. So much so that I've been stuck recently. There's too much. And people, I'm a libra. I seek balance. And it doesn't happen. It just doesn't. So here's to accepting that balance is a crap word :)