Today is Day 2 of Creativity Boot Camp.
The prompt: Picnic

We do it often.
Gather at the beach, the playground, our our living room floor when the rain pounds and the wind screams. Informal, spur of the moment, life unplanned. Spread a blanket, anchor down the edges, and unpack.
They love the adventure. The simple act of eating a meal in an unexpected place. They thrive on berries out of a yogurt container and goldfish with a dash of sand. I can't say no.
And while they sit and enjoy for just as long as it takes to fill their tummies and receive a few kisses atop a head, I sit a moment longer and soak it in. Them. Their littleness next to the vastness of the ocean. The juices of smooshed blueberries leaking from a corner of Paige's mouth, and down her arm. Fynn's sunbutter sandwich breath, and the crumbs of wheat bread that stick to his lips.
No, it's not as romantic as picnics spent with lovers or as cliche as days spent on the beach with girlfriends reading trashy novels and sipping lemonade and vodka from a thermos. But it's real.
It's messy and it's juicy and it's us.
Our blankets are never spotless, our lunches never quite balanced {all fruit is better than none... } but our hearts are always in the adventure that comes with a square of grass, sand or carpet ~ all our own.