Today is Day 3 of Creativity Boot Camp
The prompt: Multilayered
**I'm going to preface this with the fact that I had a really time writing today, so be kind... It was one of those days where I just felt blah... and am actually thankful to be taking part in something that pushed me through the blah's today.

I start the morning wearing cute jeans, ones that swoosh around my feet as I walk - just enough, slight boot cut. A bright blue and white striped tank with a fabric belt, and a plain white one underneath. Layering. Always layering.
We head out the door and go to the playground down the road. Full of sunshine and spring breezes that make the day almost feel like fall, were it not for the yellow haze of pollen falling around picnic tables and fences. There are children and mommies and grandparents. The kids run in different directions and feel the pressure of keeping up with each. I fight back tears for reasons that swell from within, and seep through an army of protective layers.
I hide with my daughter under wooden structures, and gave thanks {for once} for cold shoulders and eyes that don't meet and don't pry.
Collecting myself, the kids and I make our way to the swings. Going through the motions, my arms push forward and swing back, mimicking the my little ones as they go up in the air. Up and away, and back.
I'm struggling with the layers. Hiding behind them, wanting to move past them, recognizing and accepting them in all their emotional glory. They're here, and I'm here, and together we make up a woman who longs for simplicity within the complications. They don't go away, I might move up and away from them at times, but they're always there when I get back.
Eventually we make it home. Time for Caillou, lunch and naps. Jeans stripped off, yoga pants on, pretty tank is switched out for a simple layering tank. The ensemble is complete with a cardigan made of t-shirt material, long and flowing. All items different shades of gray.
Comfort in layers, protection in layers, acceptance in layers, always in layers.