This weekend our goal is to have one on one time with the kids. Today Lucas spent most of the day with Fynn, and I spent most of the day with Paige. The boys went to a bog... hiked a hill that Fynn told me was "dangerous" so that's all I need to know about their boy adventures!
But my Paige loves going to the zoo. So we went to the smaller of the two local zoos. So yeah, we might have a zoo problem, like Virginia over at Elisablog, but that's ok!

What counts is that Paige had a wonderful time. Calling the shots as we took our time visiting each animal exhibit. Because that's hard to do when you're being told to RUN!!! by a three and a half year old who likes hanging out with rocks and dirt more than animals.
The only time she didn't have fun? When one of the baby black bears came right up to the window. You can't blame her, the big guy seemingly sniffed at her through the glass. Showing his big teeth and wet nose and soft fur.
{I moved her right after I took this shot... as her lip started quivering and then the screaming and tears started... }

But she rebounded quickly. And she slept a total of five minutes today. Total. All day. Because who wants to sleep when you can be alone with your mommy?? I'll take it while I can... I know one day she'll be running the opposite of whatever way I'm walking...

It was a really good day. And to end it, I was playing online and went from link to link to link and found Renee & Jeremy. I'd never heard of them before, but I'm drooling over their cd's, and can't stop listening to their song Night Mantra. So peaceful, and beautiful. And looking back over the pictures from today, the song fits. And it'll fit tomorrows pictures - mommy and Fynn's day - already in the making. Because I'll always be on their side, always be there home, always be their guide. Protecting from bears and thunderstorms {which we got caught in the middle of at the beach this evening with Fynn & Lucas} And they're so much...
*sigh* Such a good day. This is a scattered post, and I fear that I've been that way quite frequently, but this creative blog stuff comes and goes. Like I said, I'm partially saving it up, storing it and keeping it quiet outwardly while inside it's coming.
Again with the scattered vagueness ;) In any case, happy weekend! Here's that song... listen, it's good. And simple. And sweet. And so perfect.