I was just about ready to write a long winded post about our day. A day that was quite opposite of the rest of our week... .
And then I caught a few Reality and Blessings posts ~ started by Maegan over at Life Set to Words ~ and realized it was about time I joined her.
Reality: We had a playdate with our Friday Friends this morning. We took munchkins and warm beverages {for the mamas} to our friends house. On a sugar high {I've talked about my addiction quite often, but I don't think I've broached my son's... sugar... and I think it's time we get rid of the majority of sugar in our house... he needs help!} Fynn threw one of the biggest fits I've seen from him in a while... . it was ugly... very very ugly...
Blessing: We had spent the morning talking about parenting, mothering, etc. Talking about how kids are kids, and tantrums are normal, and how kids have triggers that we need to hone in on and help. Fynn's tantrum was the perfect example of all of the above, and provided a learning experience as my friend does not yet have a three and a half year old ;) Ha!
Reality: My kids did not nap this afternoon. And it was ugly... very very ugly...
Blessing: This is really difficult because looking back at this afternoon is a little bit painful. However, seeing how I handled {or didn't, rather} the afternoon makes me want to keep reading Raising Happiness, and utilize everything I just learned by reading Momma Zen. Looking back I can see several places where I could have turned the afternoon around simply by changing my perspective and attitude. Another blessing? I was able to get out the mei tai carrier and wear Paige for a good bit of the afternoon :)

Reality: I tried a new recipe for dinner tonight, and it bombed. I think the recipe was fine, but I used Greek yogurt instead of regular (making it a little sour) and it had been in the back of the fridge and then froze... and instead of cornmeal I tried to use ground up tortilla chips in the dumplings... the substitutions just didn't fly! I'm not going to lie, it was ugly... very very ugly...
Blessing: Lucas and I had a peaceful and wonderful dinner of sushi {take out} from our favorite Japanese restaurant after the kids went to bed. Yay for spicy tuna rolls and quiet time to be together.
Reality: I ended this week in tears as my husband had to stop me from a cabinet slamming rampage after my kids pushed a few too many of mommy's buttons. I wanted to drown my week in a bottle of wine and hide from our neighbors for a week as they must have heard a few too many yells and screams throughout the day... it was ugly... very ugly...
Blessing: Lucas came home, even though he knew that we were crazy. I'm still sober. And tomorrow is Saturday which brings yoga and a weekend of unscheduled family goodness.
Thank you, Maegan, for playing a part it turning my evening around by looking at the afternoon in a positive light :)
Please consider joining Maegan's Reality & Blessing's series, she posts on Fridays about the blessings found in every day realities.