A few months ago, upon recommendation from Lindsey from A Design So Vast {who could tell me to read a book about dog poo and I'd put it on my list because I trust her taste in books more than I trust my love of chocolate} I plunged head first into Karen Maezen Miller's Momma Zen. I gobbled it up, loved how she told her story of motherhood and her truths. I loved it so much that I pre-ordered Karen's {and yes, I feel like I can call the author by her first name because I've commented on her blog and have had the pleasure of corresponding via email twice... } second book, Hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions for an Ordinary Life.

Pre-ordered not just once, but twice. I must have been SO very excited about this book coming out that I forgot that I had already ordered it, and then did it again a few days later... I didn't realize until I received to separate packages from Amazon containing the same book.
And if it were anything other than a book, I would have returned it. But I have a thing about books. I love them, and think that returning a good book should be a crime, especially when you - you know - know the author and all!
My solution? A giveaway! I will happily pass along one copy of Hand Wash Cold. I'm not quite halfway through the book, but it already has had me in tears, and laughter, tugged at my heart and made me sigh deeply and meaningfully, and my copy is underlined and starred and might contain a few tear drops. While I have yet to finish it, I feel very strongly that you all would thoroughly enjoy this book.
{plus, I'm taking the kids to visit my parents in Florida next Tuesday, and wanted to do this before trip so I wouldn't forget... and when I get back I'll be all over Momalom's new Five for Ten challenge... so my brain needs to put this in the "done" category of my mental check list... and did I mention I'm going to Florida? By myself with the kids? On an airplane? With no husband? Just me and two kids? Airplane? Pray for me. Please... }
Anyway... here's the deal.
Leave a comment on this post anytime from now until Sunday (May 2st) at 11pm.
On Monday morning I'll chose a commenter at random (via some random number generator or picking a number out of a hat... ) announce it here, if I have an email address for you I'll get in touch with an email as well, and then I'll get the package ready to go and send it off with my husband who has yet to agree, but will, to making a stop at the post office.
Easy as pie! So if you're interested in winning a copy of Karen Maezen Miller's new book Hand Wash Cold, leave a comment on this post before May 2st at 11pm!
Disclaimer... This is not a sponsored giveaway, I purchased the book, and am in no way being compensated for a review, giveaway, or customer service at the post office :) I also do not know the rules and regulations, so am winging this...
**edited to change the date, Sunday is actually May 2nd... good grief... :)