Family Updates

Im Back and Have Missed You All

It has been quite some time since I have posted as many of you know. I wish I could say I had been part of the writers strike and now everthing is fine. The truth is things have not been good as many of you have guessed through the many caring wonderful emails I have received since announcing I was going private a month ago.

When I wrote this- I had no idea...none- how many of you are out there that read and enjoy my blog. I received so many emails over this past month- so many of you introducing yourselves and families to me- saying you are out there but dont comment-

I was so touched and surprised. This left me feeling it is a shame to take away the blog and wondering how to proceed.

Many of you asked if something happened on the actual blog to make me decide this- the answer is no- so please dont have fears - I can see why we all fear sharing our lives publicly- you never know how many people or who is reading them as I found out.

I have chosen to see this as a positive. I need positive happy things in my life right now and my blog has been the source of great fun, creativity, learning and friendship and a way of staying in touch with my friends and family and meeting new friends.

One day I will share with you all what has been going on - but not today. Today is the day that I bring Hemstitch and Hydrandgea back for myself and ALL of you who enjoy it back. Today is a day I find and surround myself with the things that bring me happiness despite the things that are not and move forward little by little day.

Oprah often uses the saying "One thing I know for sure..." she also says that which you focus on will only grow stronger. I am reaching inside of myself- fnding the things that I love about life and putting mine back together- I am in the midst of a lot of uncertainty, but I know for sure that bringing back the blog will bring something great to my life everyday and by taking it private it will not grow larger and stronger. It is just going to perhaps reduce what I choose to share a bit for now.

Thank you all old readers who I did and did not know about- thank you- for stopping b my little window on the world here- and telling me how much you love the blog, Jack, my posts, and sharing with me about you and our families- it has meant a lot and will continue to.

Although I was not striking with the other writers - I can tell you just like abc, I am back- back with a new Spring line up of all new episode- the best of H&H and Anne and Jack are yet to come-

Love to you all-
