Although yesterday evening, the puking could have been caused by Motrin on an empty stomach, he just puked up all of the gatorade the nurse wanted him to drink this morning. We are being told that --more frequently than not-- Fontan kids puke a lot when they are up here on the floor and that "it's just part of it." I guess its because of all the new blood flow and new pressure on his stomach and lower abdomen that wasn't there before with the Glenn physiology. Since the morning xray and blood draw is complete, the nurse is standing at his beside administering zofran & then morphine (as I type) to help with nausea and then the pain relief. He is starting to drift back to sleep, so Andrew and I are going to try to catch a few more zzz's before today really gets started.
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Julianne Hough @ 2013 People's Choice Awards, Jan 9
Chris Jordan
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Empty pockets.. mind of paint
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Smallest waist on a living person — Cathie Jung
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Friday, June 9, 2017