Family Updates

Just got moved to the floor

We received official orders to move to the floor around 10pm. We got up here about 45 minutes ago and we are now settled in. Tyler received a dose of morphine after the move and is sleeping comfortably. Saturation is 95 on 1 liter of oxygen. Blood pressure that was taken before the move was 124/77. Going to try to get some sleep while his medicine is working. Being on the floor is basically like recovering at home... we have to pretty much do all the work. The nurses basically only come in for vitals every 4 hours and leave the medicines that we have to give him at the door. I always have a breakdown when we get up here. This is all moving waaayyy too fast. I hate so much that we had to leave PICU so soon... I'm desperately praying now that Tyler continues in a positive direction and we don't have to go back down there. It's always been "two steps forward, one step back" for him, so Andrew and I are just on pins and needles waiting for the one step back.
We think we found out what was causing all of the vomiting... it was the Motrin. We have asked that he doesn't get that for pain any more; at least until he his eating complete meals again.
As we were getting settled in up here on the floor, we talked thru a plan of action for the next day or so, and we've asked if we could slow it down a bit. We're not going to force him to do anything that he cannot tolerate and handle comfortably. If he cannot get up in a chair tomorrow, then that is fine. If all he does is sit up in his hospital bed away from the back of the mattress, then that is fine -- so on and so forth. Too, if he stays on the morphine a little longer to help him numb the pain in chest as he coughs more junk up and out, then so be it. We want the chest cavity to start sounding more clear, and we're told that the morphine will not stop it/him from progressing in that regard.

He deserves everything under the sun, moon and stars right now. He is the picture model of courage.

Okay, well I'm going to sign off. Love and prayers to all of our friends and family!

  1. > Chylothorax . . . and other news
  2. > Quick update
  3. > Friday morning update -
  4. > Prayers please
  5. > Another good day returned . . .