Just had to take out the last IV that he still had. Although it wasn't completely faulty, it was well on its way. IV worked fine throughout the day shift, but when our night shift nurse came in to do his 10:00pm Lasix, he started complaining of major pain. Since he REALLY needed this IV Lasix, she did it nice and slow, and he was very brave and did a breathing technique with Mommy as the nurse finished up. Afterwards, she consulted his team of doctors, came back in and removed it. So, this is good and bad.
Good because it's out.
Bad because now he has to take every single one of his medicines orally OR we'll have to get a new one in soon. Not sure what the doctors are going to do. "Let 'em sleep on it and decide."
Andrew gave him a pep talk to tell him how important "getting back to eating" has to be now.
Poor boy, but gosh he is awesome! What a trooper!
Love, Kathleen