Since I've last updated his blog (been three years and counting now), Mister Tyler has developed into such a "little man"!
How is it that time flies like it does? Someone please riddle me that. So with that said, I extend my apologies to all, who still keep Tyler in prayer, but never (or seldom) receives an update on how he's doing.
Here's a few important memories & milestones since I've last posted:
-He's learned how to walk, talk, run and jump!
-He's celebrated his 2nd, 3rd & 4th birthday! 5th birthday is coming up soon.
-He was released from his IFSP Occupational Therapy services when he turned 3.
-He was released from his monthly visits from Parents As Teachers when he turned 3.
-He's still regularly goes to the hospital every six months for routine cardiac appointments.
-He's been in and out of the hospital for multiple cardiac catherizations and angioplasties.
-He's been able have fun at 'more than a few' T-Bones baseball games (a favorite of his).
-He had his g-tube surgically removed/repaired, after successfully getting him to eat orally.
-He enrolled, attended and recently completed his first year of preschool 2011-2012.
-And we also were able to take the boys to Walt Disney World over Thanksgiving Break 2011! See picture below...
Tyler 4 (front), Andrew 32 (middle), Jarrett 6 (back).
(Wished I knew how to use the timer on my camera. I hated to miss getting in on this shot!)
Although Tyler is sometimes withheld from activities and asked to take a break, there is no stopping him!
Love, Kathleen