Family Updates

Update after fundo and g-tube surgeries

Tyler was back in his PICU room by 3:15pm yesterday. His surgeon, Dr. Sharp, said it went smooth and that Tyler is a strong little guy. He told us before surgery that the most critical time is surgery itself and that recovery should be fairly easy if the nurses keep on top of his pain. He'll be able to start feeds thru his g-tube sometime on Friday. We know that this is the most safest way to feed him, but seeing him with the g-tube was admittedly hard to see. However, he's already been thru one major surgery to save his life, why not take the extra procaution to prevent aspirating (which was the purpose of today's surgeries).

There is talk of trying to remove the ventilator again sometime soon, but we're pushing to wait until Saturday for that. We just want to give Tyler as much time as possible to get strong and ready for this last time off the ventilator. If he can't breathe on his own after this try, the trach will become more of a necessity than ever.

Thanks for all the wonderful messages of support. We truly are blessed with the friends and family we are surrounded with!

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