In a week and a half I'll be 30. I know... it's still young. 30 is the new 20... it's just a number... all that.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around 30. Really. A hard time. I was fine last week, and now I'm not okay.
It's not that I'm afraid of getting old. Or of saying goodbye to my twenties. But then again it is. So much happened in my twenties. I finished college. Got married. Had two babies. Got sober. Moved a few times. Came into my own. Got out of my own way... so it was a lot. And as I was gently reminded today by a sweet friend... I can close out my twenties and begin anew with thirty, and thirty is good.
Maybe it's a little bit of worry about what my thirties could hold if there was so much life changing in my twenties. What more can change?
But then, isn't every moment life changing? So if you look at all the moments in a ten, twenty, thirty year span, that's a lot of life changing. At any age.
I don't know. Thirty just seems... so big.
{this is not a ploy for early birthday wishes... just a brain dump on turning thirty... }