{probably everyone and their mother knows by now... but my phone went for a swim in my beloved ocean last week... so my phone - and internet - is limited these days to when I'm mooching off of a friend or my husband is home... should have a phone in my hands later this week!}
{and thanks for all of your support about the article... you guys rock. I wish I could say it better than that, but the kids sucked my energy today, and I've got nothing left! So yeah. You guys rock.}
Today was day three of preschool for Fynn.
Paige and I are still getting the hang of being just the two of us. It's a little weird. But kind of cool.
We had plans the last two days, but today we were able to hang out at home and have a tea party. With real tea. And poetry. And cookies. And cheese sticks {what's a party without cheese sticks??}

I've lost my photography mojo recently, so some of the pictures are a bit blurry... but this one is my favorite:

Is anyone else singing "tea for two... and two for tea... " {if you weren't already, you probably are now!}

Nothing like a little Frost read outloud, slowly, with your favorite little girl and some licorice tea to make you go aaahhhhhhh. It was good.

There's a tea party on the agenda for every day until the end of time...
and I don't mind.