Sometimes we stumble
and sometimes we stumble upon things... like an art in a favorite park... full of prayer ribbons and coffee canisters that spin thoughts and wishes and prayers up to the heavens. And make mamas emotional, and puzzle children until we tell them that this is another way we can talk to God. We find Sharpie pens that have been left, untethered and yet, still where they belong. Not pilfered or stolen, vandalized. No words of profanity just soulful expressions for hikers, lovers of nature, people who have chosen to put parts of their heart on ribbon for all to see, and for Him to hear. We write, then spin and giggle and get teary as we read each others penned prayers. Patience and thankfulness. Peace. Hope. Prayers by children for their mama and dada. A prayer by my Fynn for waves and the beach. Prayers by grandparents for grandchildren. For the sick.
It's love that we stumble upon, out on the path that overlooks the same river that we see from our porch and windows. Most days we stumble over something. Ourselves. Each other. But everything we stumble over, we can stumble into. And embrace.