Family Updates

Quick to listen...

We prepared. We did. In the back of my head I knew it wasn't going to hit us, really. After the winter we had, in my heart I knew mother nature would be kind to us... as we paid our debt with a moving truck skidding down a driveway backwards, unable to stop, onto a snowy narrow road.

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But still, we prepared. And the rain came. And the wind. But our back yard looks fine, and we didn't loose power.

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We are thankful.

Not only to be spared, but to have been given a dark, rainy day to be together. Not without it's ups and downs, but still, a nice together day.

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My friend Maegan and I have this thing. When one of us is having a rough day the other says "go read your bible!" and then we check back later and the one asks the other if she read it... and the other kind of sighs and says "yes... and of course... it was perfect... "

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Just now I read:

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry...
James 1:19

The perfect thing to read as we head into another week.
Quick to listen indeed.