We said goodbye to my parents yesterday.
It's never easy.
It gets easier in some ways and harder in others...
This year marks six years of them being in Florida.
It's never easy.
My Mom and I... we're close. We talk almost daily on the phone. Honestly, she's my best friend.
{cue tears as I type this... and as I set the following photo to my desktop picture... }

My favorite memory of this last trip is sitting in my living room, both of us knitting, Lucas and Dad sitting by us, all talking and laughing as the kids are tucked into bed.

That's what I miss. The casual visiting, like it happens daily. It does. Sort of. Just in a different way.

Thank God for phones and Skype, is all I have to say. And airplanes. And actual hugs. And chocolate. Just saying...
{the wind was crazy... }

Lucas took the kids up to his parents for the weekend. I'm hosting another Stitch 'n Bitch in a few hours. But for right now I'm sitting in my living room alone. For the first time in what seems like forever. And I feel it. The emptiness and fullness all at once. The joy and let down.

I don't think I'll stop missing them. Or loving them. Or liking them being close. Or wishing that they lived here. I know that. It hurts to hold onto those feelings, but they're there. It also feels good to love your parents so much that you want them close.

It's supposed to be like this right now. I fully believe that. And someday we'll live within driving distance, I also believe that.
I have to.