The sun came out today... THANK GOODNESS!! It's been a long, long time since we've had a sunny day. So we made it out to the playground this morning, even though it took longer thanks to a helluvagood tantrum.

Yesterday I told Fynn no less than four times that I love him when he's mad, sad, angry, happy, sweet, tired, happy. I love HIM all the time. His behaviors? I don't love them sometimes.

It's good for us to tell each other that, and to remember it. We're all here together, in this, for the long run. No selling the kids to the gypsies {though... if one were looking for a four year old yesterday... } or starting over. We're building on each day before us and moving forward by each moment.

And all the while we're supposed to stay grounded and here in the moment, and all those key phrases that I keep trying to remember, but can only remember when I have a sweet sleepy kid laying next to me with eyes closed and body still.

It's easy then. Who wants to stay in the moment when your four year old tells you "When I count to three you'll get me... " and then he counts to three and gets even angrier that you're not getting him what he demands and refuses to go to his room and stomps. And you think how on earth did we get here?
Moment by moment.
And moment by moment we move out and past and into the new.
The only thing to remember is that consistent love. Love for the moment, even if each moment holds ugly and hurt, the entire moment is still beautiful.