I have a good relationship with my car. I've spent a lot of time in it. When the kids were both still napping, they'd easily fall asleep while I was driving, and we'd drive around in silence. By the time we left our old apartment, I knew all of the back roads and shortcuts within about a 45 minute radius of home.

Last night I woke up at 3am with the world on my mind. My head racing, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I ended up downstairs on the couch, catching up on a few emails. Eventually I ended up back in bed, but not until the sky grew light and humidity started to hang outside.
We left a friends house after lunch. The kids played hard, the surprisingly warm air and sunshine surprised us and made for beautiful outdoor play. Paige's curls clung to her forehead. On the way home both kids fell asleep. I dug at the bottom of my bag for change for a drive thru soda. And I drove. In silence. Around lakes I didn't know existed. Up to the state border and back down. I found a playground to try later this week. I found the backroads and shortcuts.
{Paige, and her new fierce dance move... }

The kids will be up late tonight. But all I can think of is those pink cheeks that were behind me in the car today. Sun kissed, with hair sticking to foreheads. Summer is not my favorite season, the humidity makes me tired, the heat makes me feel weak, but the sweet, sleepy, sweaty foreheads make it a beautiful season.
{Self portrait taken for Creativity Boot Camp... }