We are big believers in play time in our house.
We are huge believers in imaginative play.
We are gigantic believers in getting down on the floor with the kids and playing in whatever worlds they create.
Recently... Fynn's been obsessed with the world of skunks. I have no idea where it came from... but he runs around, sticks out his rear at his victim, and says "I'm spraying you! You're going to need a bath!!"
A few weeks ago Jenny of Knees and Paws posted on her blog that she created a set of skunk Knees and Paws. Immediately my mind went to my son, and I commented that I was going to put that on my list for Fynn eventually.
The next day... an email showed up in my in box generously offering to send my kids their very own Knees and Paws... and I quickly and happily accepted :)
The package came on a dreary day, and the kids were so very excited to open each of their gorgeous wrapped gifts. They dug in and immediately put on their costumes and walked around as a skunk and a doggy and had so much fun!
And of course, I didn't have my camera out at the time. And I have struggled to get them to let me take pictures of them with their Knees and Paws... but below are a few peaks of their goodies!
Their Paw Packs, which house their Knees and Paws. They use them as pillows, and carry-alls for other treasures ;)

My little Skunk... aka Fynn {the skunk set came with a tail, ears, paws and knees! How cute!}:

"Mommy! You're going to need a bath!!" :)

Paige and her doggy ears and paws {hers came with ears, a tail, paws and knees too!}:

{she actually is very happy with her doggy outfit... when the camera isn't around... }

The kids love their Knees and Paws - and while Jenny sent us the two sets in exchange for a review, my opinions are my own, and we truly enjoy her products. The run around barking and playing... it's actually so much fun to watch their imaginations grow even bigger with the help of some fabulous adornments! This year I've made a vow to either hand make, or buy handmade {and books... I still buy books... } for gifts. I truly believe in supporting small businesses and handmade goods, and I know a few kids who would love a set of Knees and Paws as gifts...
Jenny is one of those kind bloggers that has a huge heart. You can recognize it in her writing and her comments and her blog in general, let alone the amount of joy she gets from creating imaginative play things for children. She's a business owner, a homeschooling mama, and I would give anything to give this lady a hug in person! Please head over to Jenny's blog and her shop and take a look at her work. It's high quality, good stuff :)
And finally, Jenny has offered a few deals to my readers...
~ Party packages for sets of ears are buy three, get one free.
~ With the purchase of one full set of knees and paws with ears, get a second at 50% off.
~ Free Paw Packs are included with every order that includes Knees and Paws.
Please enter TRAIN in the subject line of a convo on Etsy before placing an order :)
Thank you for your generosity Jenny! My kids love their Knees and Paws... and I'm not even exaggerating when I say that Fynn needed to sleep with his Paw Pack the first night it was in his possession :)