This photo was taken exactly a year ago.
Sometimes, while I'm marveling at how her hair is finally growing {even though we still get "what a cute boy!" comments... } I miss my bald baby. Both of them actually. Fynn was a baldy too, though not for as long as Paige.
Yesterday was a really incredible day. Thank you guys so much for your support with A Soft Landing. It honestly means the world to me, and I was so humbled by all of the facebook'ing and spreading of the word and whatnot. {and there were a few sales... which blew me out of the water... :) }
And even while it was all really good, by the end of the night I found myself wanting to celebrate. With bubbly or red or even white. Just something to celebrate and go a little crazy and just... be a little wild.
Sometimes the missing of alcohol sneaks up on me and I don't realize I've been missing it until the force of it slams me over the head and I'm practically knocked down.
It carried through to today, and while today was for all intents and purposes a good day {though Lucas was at home, sick with a man cold of epic proportions... } by dinner time I found myself frazzled and having yelled too many times... I asked my hubby for a hug. He asked if I was alright, and I let it out. I told him I just missed drinking, and wished that I could still drink.
He responded in the best possible way, with strong arms and soft words... "I'm glad you're not drinking."
And that's all it took. A little recognition, saying what was on my mind and heart, and having someone by my side to say that it's ok, and that it's a good thing. This not drinking. This hard, often times unpleasant work. Because my mind often gets the better of me.
So I hold onto those strong arms, and I gather myself and celebrate in new ways {new yarn!!} and I listen to good music {below is my favorite right now... } and knit and purl and revel in softness. And love.
Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together
~Lyrics from Jack Johnson's Better Together
**title of post taken from the same song...