I used to get really worked up about Daylights Savings with kids and all... trying to get them to bed on time, but not knowing what time was the right time... and I'd get upset about losing an hour of sleep in the spring.
But you know what? I'm so glad to have an extra hour of light at the end of the day. And waking up and having it be 7:30 instead of 6:30 in the morning? Not too shabby. Even if it's really all in my head.
I'm trying to find these positive little things, because frankly I can't stand to open up my homepage online, which is our local news site. It's terrifying and my heart aches and my mind spins out of control with possibilities. I'm praying and am thankful and am praying some more.

Yesterday we took a drive and ended up at my beach {that's right, I call it mine... } and we went on a rock finding adventure. We have a sizable deck that needs some seaside touches. And we found plenty. As well as a little much needed salt air and sunshine.

The tide was high, and the waves were huge, and the spray off the ocean danced to shore. Surfers were out and we watched... the kids laughed and giggled as they caught waves and went diving into the freezing cold water. I realized later that I never had any desire to learn how to surf. Which is funny... but not when I think about my irrational fear of fish and sharks... which is also funny since I love the ocean... but the more I think about it the more I think I just love the beach. Where water meets shore. Where the sound of waves trickling back to the big body of water brings calm and the rocks tumbling with force are music to my ears.

And I know I write about the beach as often as possible... but really... it is so incredible to watch the kids picking up rocks and shells and marveling over the hugeness of it all. And jumping from rock to rock to rock to rock... .

Oh my heart... and this guy. I might just love this picture of the two of us more than any other picture in the world right now. He always says yes when I say "beach?" and for that alone I am thankful.