If you have not met Jonathan Adler, well, neither have I! However, I have a friend that has great eye for trends, and she recommended I look at Adler's goods. She sent me a copy of his "punchy patterns" and I fell in love....

However, this stuff is way pricey. I knew I could make it without breaking it. The yellow and black pattern, as well as the tray, caught my eye. I needed them. In a bad way. I was completely willing to fork over the dollars for a clear tray, but it just so happened that my mother stopped by this weekend. She hoards things for me. and she had a wooden tray that was not only the right size, but FREE! Yay for Mom! Here is what she brought me...
It was scratched and boring. So I Adler'ed it! I painted it white, since I could not magically make it clear, and printed off a print close to the Adler style. However, it needed some touch ups, so I got my trusty Sharpie out and made it bold!
After painting, touching up the print, and adhering it to the tray with Mod Podge, I decided this would make a great patio, lemonade, sunny-weather idea! I glazed it over with Outdoor Mod Podge, three coats. Be quick, this stuff is heavy duty!
My cost: $2.00
Adler Tray: $78.00