Family Updates

Virtual Coffee XV

It's Tuesday...
and even though it's been a while {for me... } it's Virtual Coffee time with Amy!


If we were really meeting for coffee today...

We'd have to meet somewhere, or I'd invite myself to your house, because my place is filled to the brim with boxes and packing tape and it's just a big old mess.

I'd tell you about how I've decided that it's not the actual moving part that drives me crazy about moving. And it's not the packing. It's the cleaning. I hate cleaning. I tackled the oven and stove top this morning... and while it's looking pretty good for three years of hard use... I'm freaking exhausted now.

In previous moves, we've gotten to this point - the clean up and spackle and whatnot... and normally I look at the place and think "Now I remember why I wanted to live here!" Not here. I know why I did, I was pregnant with Paige and wanted the ease of a one floor, fully carpeted, apartment complex living where everything is new and you don't have to do much of anything except not trash the place.

And this apartment has served it's purpose, but there is no way in heck I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses at this point. I'm done. In two weeks it's moving day, and I cannot wait!!

Jan 18, 2011 001

If we were really having coffee today, I'd tell you that the upcoming move {while exciting and will be a wonderful chapter in our lives} is taking its toll on everyone. Paige doesn't know what to make of all the changes, the boxes and the packing, and she's starting to get even crazier than normal. There's a lot of changes coming up, and I keep saying if we can get through the next month, it'll be ok. And I'm losing my mind... I've lost track of so many things in just the past few days... ugh. Breathing is important, and I'm remembering to do that. I knew January was going to be rough, and it is and it isn't. I don't know how to explain it. Some things have been really easy - Lucas looked around yesterday and said he was worried because we seem to have such a good handle on things {ha!} but it's true. Most of what can be packed is packed, the holes are covered in the walls, the Uhaul has been ordered, my mom has her flight booked so she can come help us {yay!!} with the kids and moving and life in general ;)

So it's good... but... you all know what it's like to move so I should just stop talking about it, because we've all been there, and it's such a bizarre feeling to have one foot out the door and the other still here and and and and...

If we were sitting together, having coffee, we'd laugh at how crazy we get... how our minds play tricks on us and how sometimes all you really need is coffee. And coffee. And more coffee. And that everything works itself out and life keeps moving even as you're standing there wondering how it will all get done... and it will. It always does.

I'd thank you for having coffee today... and would promise that next time I will talk about something other than moving and my crazy brain :)

Until next time...