My sister gave me these great jewelry frames with hooks for Christmas from Pottery Barn. I loved them, and definitely needed a great way to hang my longer necklaces. They came in a chalky white distressed color resembling old windows. My bedroom is Vintage French Country, in an almost white soft pink, crisp white linens and black furniture. I wanted to keep the distressed look, but the white of the frames conflicted with the white on walls-making the frames look off.
They needed a pop of color, so I decided to use the French Botanical Tapestries in my room to match the color.
I mixed some red and white acrylic paint, and used a soft sponge "brush" to mix a soft pink but never blended it completely allowing white, red and various swirls of pink to run through it. I brushed it on like this. Then I took a wet paper towel and lightly ran it down the frame barely touching it. It revealed enough of the white underneath keeping the distressed look. My tapestries have a soft golden tone in the canvas as well, so for a second coat- I used a clean dry sponge and ran an almost dry coat of metallic gold acrylic over them. This created a soft sheen bringing out a rosy gold.
The result is really stunning and the jewelry looks great on it. The frames are much more coordinated without looking "matchy" (which is a word I love to loathe).
I PROMISE- this took 30 minutes. Start to finish. ( Sans drying).