Family Updates


It's amazing how fast time flies by. This time last year Joe hadn't been out of the country, Ryan wasn't yet in school, and I didn't own a blog design shop.

Everything happens so fast. This time last year we were getting ready for Joe to go to Trinidad for the first time. I was a wife nervous about my husband going away, about him being gone for so long, and trying to balance life without him. But who knew that he would not only go to Trinidad but also Africa and Spain!

Then in February I decided to open my blog design shop. And am still going strong! I love doing blog design because I love the creative part of it but also meeting and helping so many wonderful moms with their blogs. I love seeing the design done and what people do with their blogs. I love going to see a great picture on a design I did and also getting shout outs about how happy their design made them.

And then Ryan. This time last year he was three and a half. Still my baby and staying at home with mommy everyday. We would usually get up, eat breakfast and then go play outside or go on a play date. Now he is four and a half and such a boy. He will always be my baby but he is no longer a baby. He goes to school three days a week, is learning so fast, and has friends that loves to play with. He will be starting school this year (YIKES I just realized that as I was typing)!

I am looking forward to this year though. I am looking forward to going school shopping, having my sister in law and Ryan's cousins right down the road, and what other awesome countries Joe will get to visit. I am looking forward to meeting Ryan's teachers, to getting our new carpet in February, and for what ever comes our way.

What are you looking forward to this year?