The Polar Express is my favorite classic children's Christmas Book. Jack and I fell in love with this magical story last December when his teacher read it often at school. After discovering the gorgeous book, magical fantasy filled film version, and the inspiring soundtrack last year, I can't imagine a holiday season without it.
So first, if you are not familiar please check it out- its lovely, and a wonderful gift for young children.
I have been thinking of ways to bring the story to life and heard about the MANY different train lines around the country that offer a "Polar Express" Experience each year. When I went to look- I was too late. Every single line in the entire Illinois area was booked. ( Which was difficult enough for me to research, because I actually forget I live in Illinois unless I'm shopping on line and selecting a state).
However- as you know... I never forget that I live in Chicago and got this wonnnderful idea.....

Get Lucky and Find Tickets in Your Area Online by
Simple Googling Polar Express Trains in ( your area).
What about a Polar Express Playdate- the EL our lovely city train is mostly above ground and travels through the gorgeous city of Chicago which in holiday season at night looks like you live inside of a sparkly glass ornament in a huge Glittering Tree. I sometimes shed a tear because I just don't know how it could be any prettier.
So why not- invite a friend- get a large thermos, cute to go warm cups and make a nice batch of HOT CHOCOLATE! And dont forget to bring a BIG ziploc of MARSHMALLOWS! ( maybe even the Bailey's).
Walk to your local EL stop and get on- take a cozy evening- late afternoon ride through your gorgeous city.
Many of you live in cities with train systems or a great downtown to take a ride through- or even your local neighborhood - when I was little my parents loaded us our friends in our two convertibles and piled us up in warm blankets and full blast heat and drove us around Annapolis area where I grew up.
Add to the fun of going in new holiday jammies like these from "Jacks picks". Or these ridiculously cute ones for the girls.
Jack and I love our hot to go's in the morning together.

So cute! from Vintage Travel Mugs from Zazzle
So get your cocoa to gooooo and head out into the show!