Family Updates


Today I was reminded that I have an almost two year old. Who has the attitude of a teenager. Who has a mind of her own. Who is... scrappy.

Paige is testing me in ways Fynn never did. On a daily basis.
She's wild.
And no one who meets her for short periods of time believes me.

She always appears tame. Sweet. Shy. Innocent.

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But she's wild.

One minute she's docile as a lamb, the next she's covering her ears and grinning wildly as she screams and screeches just to make people look at her mama and wonder what it is she's doing to this poor young adorable girl.

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July 20, 2010 010

Fynn covers his ears through her... episodes... and she looks straight at him and screams "NO CUBBERS EAAAAARRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!" and she cackles like a hyena.


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And I know we've yet to hit the terrible twos, but we're feeling it. Whatever that means. I keep telling myself that each age is unique and no worse than the one before, just new challenges that replace the old ones. New characteristics to love and behold and cherish. Some we hope will escape sooner than others.

This age is also incredible. She's fun and funny. She talks in sentences and is silly. She says things like humongous and is always checking on Fynn to make sure he's okay.

But really she's making sure she isn't missing out on a new cool trick that he's mastered.

July 20, 2010 033

I get some really funny looks from other mothers at the playground. They ask me how old she is. I tell them she's almost two, and they seem baffled. Because my Paige runs around like she's older than Fynn. She does everything that he does, only occasionally faster. And just try to stop her...

She has no fear.

But she has a lot of spunk.

July 20, 2010 034

I'm going to rename her Scrappy. Because that's what she is. She's tough and she's fierce when it's necessary. She kicks off her shoes and uses her bare feet {with pink toe nails} to scale climbing walls. Without using the rope.

Totally Scrappy.

July 20, 2010 037

We ended our outing this afternoon at McDonald's for a quick soft serve {and only because I really had to pee at the playground and there was no bathroom... and the kids didn't want to leave... and I'm not above bribing them with ice cream for a quick exit... }

And the kids were sweet. Thankful. Respectful.
They're both such good kids.

But this one, she's already giving us a run for our money.

My Scrappy.

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