Family Updates


Today is Day Twelve of Creativity Boot CampThe prompt: Smooth


Ernie is singing "Somebody Come and Play" on the tv as Fynn tends to a scrape on his knee. By himself.

He does things by himself.

Paige is watching as it turns to Elmo's World and she puts on sunglasses and eats her snack. By herself.

She does things herself.

I'm sitting in front of my computer. Thinking about ways to make the day go smoother. Ways to find time for us to be happy and together and pass the time without noticing the long hours of the short days. I'm sitting and thinking by myself.

I don't often get to do things by myself.

Our days have been rocky, recently. Because the tv has been on. Because of the weather. Because of me and my lack of motivation. Because because because.

There are days when the flow is smooth. Moments pass effortlessly. And then there are other days when I sit and pray for 6:15. Or better yet, 8:00. When the kids will be in their bedroom and I can sit and have that hush time I wrote about yesterday.

Both happen. We can't have one without the other, it seems. But it's finding the middle ground, as our highs are so high and our lows are so low. There's no in between right now. It's a phase, it's my mind set, it's how... . emotional and intense the kids are right now.

Because I'm emotional.

By myself and with them. Alone or together.

We feed off of each others emotions.

We need to find ways to smooth the edges of emotional healing and turmoil and craziness. To find ways to move forward and not look back too much. To welcome new days without getting into old patterns. To play.

To find the smooth sailing. Even for just a bit each day.

We'll do that together.

Somebody come with me and see the pleasure in the wind
Somebody see the time is getting late to begin

Somebody come and play
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come and be my friend
And watch the sun 'til it rains again
Somebody come and play today

~ Ernie singing "Somebody Come and Play" on Sesame Street (I don't really know how to quote a Muppet... ) :)

***REMINDER!!!!!*** Next Thursday, the 24th, will be the first installment of Bigger Picture Moments! Head over to the Bigger Picture Blogs site for the introductory post. The link up will be hosted at Hyacynth's. Consider the moments that make up the bigger picture... and see where that might take your post :)