Today is Day 8 of Creativity Boot CampThe prompt: Ornament

I don't wear much make up. Nor do I dye my hair or spend hours prepping in front of the mirror each day. I am low maintenance.
But I love painted nails.
I rarely take the time to paint them. To give color and life to the hands that work all day. That type and write and bathe and wash and cook and sweep and dress and buckle and wipe tears. But today, I did.
And they're lovely. Like Christmas ornaments, shimmering in soft white lights. Shiny and deep red. So deep they're almost black. A little shock to the system. A little boost to the ego. A little time spent on beautifying and quiet.
My mother rarely painted her nails. It wasn't until my best friend in high school showed me her secrets for foolproof nails that I could actually have non lumpy nail polish on my fingers. She showed me how to make three long sweeps per finger nail, how to file and shape and even out. She always had perfect nails. I loved that about her. She took the time. It was her therapy.
So tonight I remembered. I need a bit of self loving, as the weekend was rainy... outside and in. Hormones and tantrums and whining from a three and a half year old, an almost two year old, and a mommy make for a tense house.
But tonight I focused. I wanted those little glass balls on my fingers, radiating light and color. Showing a bit of time taken. Life slowed down, sitting on the bathroom floor while finger and toe nails air dried. Ornaments glistening and grace seeping in from a tiny bottle of Girl Talk.