I wanted to say a quick thanks for sticking with me the past week. This Creativity Boot Camp stuff has been fabulous, and I'm so thankful for all of you who've been along for the ride - participating, reading, commenting... you all are incredible. Honestly. Personally, I know I feel a sigh of relief when some of my beloved bloggy friends don't post every. single. day. because I always LOVE to hop over and read right away, but I can't always do that.
So the fact that you all have been reading at least some of my posts for the past week - some non stop - I can't tell you how much it means to me. This has been a fabulous journey so far, and the boot camp continues through Friday. So stick with me...
But honestly, I feel like the last week of posts have come from somewhere else. Somewhere, deeper almost. I don't know if you can sense it or not while reading - but what Maegan has had us focus on is not only creating in itself, but the process. And realizing that we're creating art in whatever medium we're using. Not just words on a page {you can tell it's been a long week or so... I totally wrote Paige first and had to go back and change it... I haven't done that since she was first born!} It's making me look at my writing differently. It's making me want to take the next step... thinking about that book I've always got in the back of my head to start. Thinking about the process, the actual sitting down and going with it. I'm inspired and motivated and all sorts of giddy about writing.
And the community... oh my word the community takes my breath away. I've been introduced to so many blogs I had no idea existed. The talent that is out there, in the blog world and beyond, just blows my mind. On a daily basis. So if you're new around these parts - I'm honored that you've stopped by. Truly. Thank you for sharing parts of your soul through your creativity, and allowing others along for the ride.
In any case, it's all good stuff.
But while the boot camp has been going on, life has also continued as normally as possible... so here's a glimpse {because I know you all miss seeing the kids in action!!}
Paige as a self proclaimed zebra:

We went on a hike yesterday... up a bonafide mountain and everything! We hiked it last year as well, and we made it to just about the same point... I'm not sure how far up, but we lasted over an hour, so that's pretty good.
This picture cracks me up. Maybe it's the Droid in Lucas's hand {even though I know he was using it to take a picture... } or the fact that he was looking at some weird green fungus growing on the rock. In any case, I think he looks like some Bear Grills character or whoever that living off of the earth dude is...

And us... good grief do we look tired...
{obviously I've missed the chatty direction my posts can sometimes take... }

The kids looking at a bright orange salamander {and torturing it with their snacks}:

Wow. So maybe a short post this was not meant to be... .
Anyway, thank you for being here, if you're reading this. To those who've been here for a long time, and those who are new. Thank you for reading, looking, commenting, sending emails and texts and just being here. I recently blew by post number #300, and I meant to say something, to acknowledge this blog and what it's mean to me, to do a vlog or something {a video blog entry... } And I will one day, but today, this post that's been thrown together with scattered thoughts and bits and ultimately love and gratitude will have to do :)