Last night he had his first splinter. A long black sliver stuck in the tip of his finger. He told me it was a scratch and then was not pleased when we got out the tweezers and had to pin him down in order to dig out the foreign object.
But he was brave.
Through tears and screams that only big boys are capable of. But still, he was brave.
Last week we found out that Fynn is allergic to peanuts. Again. If you've been around these parts for a while you'll know that back in January he passed his food challenge. In order to keep his peanut allergy at bay we were supposed to keep peanuts in his system. But we couldn't... because he's, well, Fynn. He finally took a bite of a peanut butter sandwich a few weeks ago, and had a scratchy throat, coughing reaction. So we went back to the allergist. Where we found that yes, indeed, he is allergic to peanuts again.
And he was brave. So very brave, even though he knew the scratch test was coming and he ended up with a severely itchy back.
To say we're disappointed is an understatement. But we've been here before, know how to navigate the waves of emotions and challenges that come with food allergies. It's not easy, but it could be much worse.
The hope is that he'll again outgrow the allergy. So we'll hope and we'll pray. Knowing there are many others in our shoes. And knowing that Fynn could really care less about peanut butter... except for those darn traces in baked goods and packaged snacks {but really, that's a huge reminder for me to stop buying that stuff, even just the packaged yummy easy snacks at our favorite grocery chain... more baking activities for the kids!!}
But still. It's a pain. And I'm taking this opportunity to get it out of my system. It's a big old fat pain in the rear end to deal with food allergies. To live with them under your roof and out in the world. It stinks. Stinks stinks stinks.
Ok, I'm done.
I'm going to take a hint from Fynn and all his wonderfulness. We're going to be brave and keep our heads up, not get swallowed into the dismal disappointment that gets us no where. Take THAT peanut allergy! ;)
In other news, tomorrow is our first week of Bigger Picture Moments! Be sure to head over to Hyacynth's to link up and check out all the Moments! Can't wait to see what you all have taken notice of in the past few weeks!