Welcome to Bigger Picture Moments, a place where we step back and take in life. There are moments where we're so caught up in it all, the hectic mind boggling pace of the day. We encourage you to take this opportunity to take a moment and view the Bigger Picture. Whatever that means to you. A moment where you recognized the role your faith plays in your every day life. A moment where you take note of motherhood and the importance of what you are doing. A moment that made you stop and smell breathe in the bigness of it all. The hugeness that is life and the small moments adding up to one huge Bigger Picture.
We hope you'll join us. Take a few moments. Think about your week, and pour however little or much onto a page. Then share. Tell us your moment. Link up this week at Hyacynth's, grab our button, and share your Bigger Picture Moment. And while you're at it, share the love and check out at least one other participant's moment.
Next week I will be hosting Bigger Picture Moments. Keep an open mind and heart throughout the week and come back to participate again or for the first time! All are welcome!
Earlier this week the kids and I ventured an hour and a half north, hopped on a ferry by 9:15 (a.m.!!!) and arrived on a picturesque island to visit Maegan and her family who were visiting said island for the week.
{Fynn & Rayne... their faces crack me up!}

We were greeted with huge smiles and big hugs, open arms and flowers hand picked by two precious little girls who gave attention freely. We were all instant friends {and yes, Brent, I'm including you!}, which is funny to say, because Maegan and I have been online friends for a while. But we took that connection, that spark of common interest and goals and creativity, to the next level. And it was effortless.

The day was spent at the beach and at their rental cottage. The kids entertaining themselves with buckets of water, rocks to sort and climb, and sand to sculpt. Mac n' Cheese, apple slices and juice boxes for lunch. Parental guidance given to all children by all adults, showers and baths and changes of clothes. All familiar and almost routine, the bonds of childhood and parenthood. Rolled eyes and silent smiles and nods of understanding.
{Paige, Fynn, Layla and Rayne, missing Maya who was off adventuring with her Daddy... }

By the end of the day all were exhausted, my kids were at their breaking point, and we slowly meandered back to the ferry to say our goodbyes and exchange hugs and tired smiles. It was a bittersweet parting; I left wanting to spend more time, my kids left in dire need of a nap. But we were happy. Content.
{The fabulously creative and beautiful Maegan, who cannot be mad at me for posting her picture as I know she took mine... and if you hang out with a blogger and she takes your picture, chances are... }

And on the ferry back it hit me like the strong salt air coming off the water. This is why we do it. This is the reason we spend hours at the computer uploading pictures, writing blog posts. This is why blogging is always somewhere in our minds. The connections. Not the number of comments you receive, the stats that can ruin our good intentions, not the blog fame that some are after. But for me, and for so many, it's the personal connections and community that blogging can bring that makes it worth so much.
{Paige & Layla}

This weeks Bigger Picture came to me on a ferry boat after having left a sweet friend, knowing the connections we've made over the past several months were real. As are so many.