Nope... this is not some poetic waxing on writing and versatility, my friends. It is, in fact, me playing catch up on some blogging fun.
First up... Melissa from My Life and How It's Going tagged me {possibly a few weeks ago... } in a fun exercise in taking a look at actual handwriting. Thanks, lady :)
The rules:
Write down the following, snap a picture (or scan the document), post it, and tag others.
1. Name/Blog Name
2. Right handed, left handed or both
3. Favorite letters to write
4. Least favorite letters to write
5. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
6. Write in caps:
7. Favorite song lyrics
8. Tag 7 people
9. Any special note or drawing
The song lines are from "Killing the Blues" and I love them so much... though I haven't thought of them in forever. In case you can't read my writing they say "Somebody said they saw me, swinging the world by the tail. Bouncing over a white cloud, killing the blues"
I'm actually going to tag a few people on this meme, because I love to see actual handwriting. I get so tired of looking at typed letters and blog posts {I'd take messy penmanship over typed words any day... to be honest!} So, Hyacynth, Sarah, Alisha, Becca, and Allison {I know that's not seven, but I can't pick ;) so consider yourself tagged if I haven't, and play along!}
Second up... I was tagged by Mothering Mayhem with a Versatile Blogger award, thank you! The rules are to share 7 facts about myself and then tag a few bloggers.

1. Today marks my fourth month of sobriety. Many of you know my story, but for those who are new around these parts... you can read my initial post, and then a few others about my journey through recovering from/in/with alcoholism. I have the 26th marked on the calendar, and I have no doubt that every month from now until... forever... I'll look at the date and give myself a pat on the back. But I've honestly been celebrating every day that I haven't had a drink, because every day is worth celebrating and rejoicing in what's been accomplished.
2. I love to sleep. More like, I love hanging out in bed. I don't do that much these days... with those two pesky kids and all... but I used to adore hanging out in bed with a big stack of books. In college I would pile my notebooks and text books, novels and my portable cd player, snacks & drinks and would set myself up for a long day spent in bed doing work. And occasionally napping... it was heaven. I'm trying to get back to that and turn the computer off earlier in the evenings and take books and notebooks in bed and get comfy in my mind and settle in for relaxation. It's heaven when it happens.
3. I'm really bad at coming up with random facts about myself.
4. As much as I adore the summer months, the sun the beach... I'm already looking forward to the fall. I LOVE the autumn months. If you've been reading here for a while, you'll remember my obsession with the colors and feels of fall. The smells. The first days of autumn where you can smell the crisp in the air, and don't have to worry about mosquito bites while hiking...
5. I'm loving John Mayer's cover of On Fire. I can't hear it enough. And while I don't agree w/ a lot of what comes out of John Mayer's mouth in interviews, the man has some definite talent. Musically, I've been a huge fan of his for a while now, and am not ashamed to admit it!
6. Creative Boot Camp has me pumped. It starts on June 6th, and if you haven't considered taking part in it, please do! And while I'm excited for it, part of me is quietly reserving my creative energy for it... so I might be a little quiet in this space until it starts. Maybe... whenever I say that I end up posting twice a day or something crazy for a few days!
7. I have felt so much more spiritual than religious recently. That's been on my mind a lot, and I'm trying to put that into words more. I need to get it out to work through it, and it's coming, but I'm not there yet. All I know is that I've felt so much peace in my monkey brain since being active with a yoga practice. The monkey brain continues, but it's getting better. Little bits at a time. I think spirituality is a beautiful thing to embrace, the faith that comes with it, no matter to who or what you're communing with.
Ok, enough rambling from me. Again, you all know I don't normally tag people with these sorts of things, and just let whoever wants to play along {which is still the case!} but I am going to tag Melissa, Dawn, and Madeline.