I'm not going to lie, I love it when my kids sleep.
Right now, Paige is napping by. her. self. which is huge {see above stolen photo from a bit ago!}
And Fynn is alseep next to me on the couch. He passed out while watching Martha Speaks, our quiet time activity for today... and I'm not complaining.
Today is one of those days. That first day back from vacation, first day without grandparents to entertain, the first day where they just have me again {except for the few hours where we had a wonderful friend and her daughter over for lunch... one who can turn an eye from the kind of crazy my kids are today}
It's a hard day. And especially on this day, the sweetness that comes from sleeping children is not being taken for granted. So while I'm not moving from my spot on the couch for fear of waking Fynn {even with Arthur on in the background because the remote is on the kitchen counter... } I'm loving the quiet. The sunshine coming in from the sliding doors. The warmth from having a little boy curled up right next to me. The fleeting happiness that has found me for a bit.

By the way... have so been loving reading all of the Five for Ten posts. There are some incredible bloggers out there! If you're looking for some good reads, click on the above button and find more than you can stand at Momalom :)