I'm at a loss for words
But am so full of emotions
The past eight days were spent with my children and my parents On the Southeast coast of Florida
Visiting beaches, swimming in a bath like pool, and getting loved on like nothing else

The visit embodied happiness
All around

We visited Key Largo three times
The Gulf Coast once
To visit my dear friend Dawn
{photo courtesy of Dawn}

Dawn wrote a post about our visit
And it moved me to tears
Meeting her and her family was such an incredible experience
She exudes love and happiness, kindness and faith and warmth
Her family is beautiful
And I absolutely adore her, simple as that
I am so thankful, and thrilled to have visited with her in person
{photo courtesy of Dawn, actually... her daughter as Dawn is in the picture holding Paige}

We had busy days
And not so busy days
But there was always sunshine and love and hand holding and sweetness
Even when there were tantrums and sleepless nightsAdventures had and turtles seen
Grandparent love given without expectation and grandchild love returned with big big hugs and sloppy smooches

The only downfall of the trip was that Lucas wasn't with us
But even in that there are positive happy notes
There is something to be said when you're apart long enough to remember how you feel
About each other and the significance of us
And when you recognize what you don't say often enough...
Then you say it, and it's so very good
And warm tingles come back, but they're new because every time you realize why you love your partner
There's a newness, something never put into words or even conscious thoughts

Tonight I'm reflecting on our trip
And am filled to the brim with exhaustion and happiness
{exhaustion because... let me tell you, anyone who says traveling with children is easy is plain old wrong. There is nothing easy about it, no matter if you have one, two or ten children. If they're well behaved or using you and the seats as jungle gyms and yelling "butterfly! butterfly! two butterflies! butterfly!" at the top of her/his lungs. It's hard. Tears are often shed, by everyone involved. But embracing the hardness of it is the key... and let me tell you, while I'm not going to get back on an airplane tomorrow, I'll definitely do it again!}
So thankful to have had such a wonderful trip
And so happy to be home