Another Saturday, another day at the beach... the same beach, but every time it's a little different. The light, the faces. The swimsuits the same, but the conversation and directions taken always unique.

We take a while to warm up... serious gazes cast across the sea. Taking the hugeness of it all in. Marking our territory with laser sharp looks.

We're reminded of why we're heading to Florida next week... not at all to see the grandparents, but for the warmer water ;)

We avoid smiling at the camera at all costs, even when Mommy says there's a bird on her head {how soon they learn be skeptical!}

We pose the same as days past, but look a little older, a little more sophisticated, a little taller. We stand with more confidence in our surroundings, still with wonder in our stance and hesitation before subtle changes.

Our beach days are always familiar, but not. Filled with familiar warmth on the back of our necks, the slight feeling of sinking into the ground at the waters edge.
But the people, the faces, the air changes. Familiar, but not. Adventures into the same, only different every time.