There's been this blog meme of sorts going around... where you're asked to spill the contents of your purse and share what's inside. I've enjoyed seeing the responses, and quietly dreaded the thought of getting tagged. You see, I don't pay much attention to my bag. I like to carry the minimal amount of stuff with me, because a bag just gets in my way.
So the other day, when Becca tagged me in her The Baggage in my Bag post, I was surprised when I caught myself getting a little excited to share what I carry in my bag! {Thank you Becca!!}

The bag is from last year, a steal at the Gap Outlet for $10. It's big, can carry our necessities, as well as a huge amount of library books!Here we go... the contents of my bag:
~cloth diaper for Paige
~two pairs of dry undies for Fynn, and a pair of extra pants
~emergency bag, containing epi pens {even though he's outgrown his peanut allergy, we still have to carry these for a year... } Benadryl, emergency numbers, hand sanitizer, etc...
~cell phone {very old and barely able to handle a phone call, let alone texting!}
~note cards & pens for catching fleeting inspirations
~wallet {just the norm in there: debit card, credit card, insurance cards, AAA card, maybe a few bucks in cash}
~possibly used tissue
~snack - today it's crackers!
~and of course, Paige is there to survey what she can get her hands on
Pretty boring! Today it's not very well stocked, as we've had a quiet at home week, but on any given day that's what's inside, just different quantities of diapers and snacks. I find bags really cumbersome when you have two little ones to chase after. I'm constantly swinging it around, knocking a child over with it, or forgetting it on the playground. With the warmer weather it will find its days spent mostly in the car, especially as the kids are older and don't need quite so much. I can get away with taking just my wallet and keys to the playground, leaving the bag in the car for snack time and diaper/pants changes :)
But there it is! Thank you Becca for tagging me, and letting me share!
Normally, I wouldn't tag anyone. But I'd love love love to see what Sarah from Harry Times, all Jacked Up keeps in her bag! She's always on the go, and I bet she's got loads to share. So spill it, lady!
{by the way, this was perfect timing, Becca. I was going to go on a blog hiatus thanks to a yucky cold (I've been able to nip most of them in the butt this winter, and leave the getting sick to the kids... but not this one... ) but this brightened my day and got me on the blog, which always makes me feel better! Now... back to the kids who have had a crash course in entertaining themselves, aka tear the living room apart and get out every.single.toy in the house and stomp through them... }